In the frame of the European Project ChildCA, and as a result of the cooperation of European experts in Distance Learning, we are glad to introduce a highly international initiative, aimed to explore the new technologies and innovations to the benefit of Higher Education: “International training program on Medical Training and Education in the digital era. Perspective and challenges”.  
Developing Teaching and Learning Opportunities and Facilities in Children Care
The first webinar of the ChildCA series “Developing Teaching and Learning Opportunities and Facilities in Children Care is organized on Thursday, 13 May 2021, at 11.00 CEST.
The reference frame is the CHILD C.A. project, aimed to improve children’s care in Central Asia (CA) countries through a modern and innovative postgraduate training of the specialists devoted to their care. The goal of the present webinar is to introduce a course based on five meetings, this included, helping the participating Higher Education Institutions (HEI) of Central Asia to build an interconnected, multidirectional environment, aimed to promote the interaction between students and teacher, also from distant resources, thus helping to update educational methodologies. Accordingly, four speakers will present the core topics of the course.

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