PwC CEE corporation representatives invited CEO of Concept International, Stefan Concept, to join them on a webcast with special guest Daniel Dines, CEO of UiPath. The webcast takes place Tuesday 9 June at 15:30-17:00 CET. This was the first PwC CEE client webcast on trends in the technology, media & telecommunications (TMT) sector. |
What was about discuss? On Tuesday, we discussed the opportunities and risks available for the technology, media, and telecommunications sector as we begin to shape the ‘new normal’. This quote from Daniel has stuck with Dejan Ljustina PwC Partner CEE Leader and brings great optimism for our sector in Central and Eastern Europe: “I think there may be more opportunities coming out of the COVID-19 crisis for CEE than even for Western Europe. We have an opportunity to skip a generation in our development toward digital technology and remote working.” The COVID-19 crisis has had a massive impact on the technology, media, and telecoms sector around the world. The TMT sector has played a key role in our COVID-19 response. Technology and telecommunications were essential to support working from home, interpersonal communication, homeschooling, telemedicine, e-commerce, or other activities that have significantly grown during the lockdown. PwC has seen an accelerated digital transformation that is not going to disappear. Now that pandemic restrictions are slowly being lifted across CEE, companies are focused on applying the lessons learned in recent months and jump-starting their recovery efforts in the face of a global slowdown. In this context, PwC invites specialists to join for a closer look at trends and opportunities in the TMT sector. What major trends have impacted TMT companies in Central & Eastern Europe during the COVID-19 crisis? What are the opportunities, challenges, and risks for TMT companies as we establish a ‘new normal’ for our businesses and societies? What is the perspective of Daniel Dines, CEO of UiPath, a major industry player with roots in our region? How has UiPath navigated this period and what are their plans going forward? Who invited to join? PwC was inviting decision-makers at technology, media, and telecommunications organizations with operations or an interest in Central & Eastern Europe to tune into the discussion. Concept International leader Stefan Concept expressed interest in taking part. The corporation plans to hold a series of PwC CEE webcasts in the coming months on TMT topics and with a range of special guest speakers and they sent messages of hope to join the team! |